Introducing Luxury During St. Louis Kitchen Remodeling Projects

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Remodeling areas of your household can mean more than just the most cost-effective options with the highest return on investment or functionality. Sometimes, changes you make to spaces like the kitchen are meant to add a splash of luxury to your life and make you feel better about rooms in the residence that have started to wane with their aesthetic appeal.

Luxury Elements to Bring into Your Kitchen

Kitchen remodeling in St. Louis homes remains a popular choice for those looking to increase the market value of their property while improving the functionality of a space they use every day. This is also when you should lean on our Sansara team’s experience and design expertise to help you discover some upgrades to the space that pamper you a little bit. 

  • Custom Cabinets Designed for You 

Cabinets have long been a modern kitchen staple, but custom cabinetry can tailor this integral storage to suit your specific needs. Our experts can handcraft units to fit precise measurements using premium finishes and materials, giving you ample storage space for food, kitchenware, and appliances.

  • The Functionality of Bars and Islands

When a kitchen lacks necessary counter space or requires more integration of its most heavily used features, like the sink or range top, multi-functioning islands are often a luxury upgrade homeowners consider. In addition, bar seating and long countertops can provide much-needed square footage to the kitchen instead of a cumbersome and oversized table and chairs.

  • High-Tech Integration

The Internet of Things represents an ever-expanding list of innovative technology infused with everyday household components. Smart technology allows for functions like voice activation, entertainment, and home security beyond what was possible even a few years ago. Our Sansara team can work to infuse your new kitchen with the latest technologies to control its climate, lighting, and appliances with minimal effort.

Partnering with Sansara for Your Improved Kitchen

While you might recognize our name as one of the leading restoration and reconstruction companies in the Greater St. Louis area, we are also a firm of general contracting specialists that can help you design and execute the remodel or renovation of your dreams. When you are ready to start this process in your home and experience some luxury with your next kitchen remodel, call our Sansara team at (636) 812-3838.