Manage Moisture to Avoid the Need for Mold Remediation
As temperatures drop and people move more activities inside, St Louis mold remediation experts often receive more calls for help. Conditions conducive to mold growth and damage can become prevalent in the fall. Mold thrives as long as a short list of five requirements is present. The first four essentials are frankly impossible to avoid:
- Mold growth and resultant damage require the presence of spores. Spores are the “seeds” of mold organisms. They are nearly invisible and part of the mix of other particles that make up household dust in every home.
- Oxygen is abundant in human habitations.
- Moderate temperatures paralleling what humans enjoy, from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (although lower and higher temperatures will not destroy mold growth, just slow it down).
- Organic materials upon which mold spores can germinate and consume as a food source—common building materials, including wood, drywall, insulation, textiles, and more, meet these requirements.
Moisture Is the Key to Mold Growth
Spores cause little trouble when dry, but each spore is ready to germinate when it encounters moisture. Crews from Sansara 24/7 Restoration & Remodeling focus on finding and eliminating the moisture source fueling a mold outbreak before removing the organisms and disinfecting the space. A water source available for at least 24 to 48 hours can jump-start germination. Water sources vary. Common moisture triggers for mold growth that eventually require our remediation services include but are not limited to the following:
- Roof or plumbing leaks
- Rain blowing through an open window
- Wet leaves tracked in on feet or paws
- Malfunctioning appliances
- Humidity levels exceeding 60 percent often found in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry areas
Moisture Management Supports Sustainable Remediation
Warmth, oxygen, organic building materials, and spores are constant companions of St. Louis property owners. Water damage or excessive humidity is manageable, inhibiting mold growth. Sansara 24/7 Restoration & Remodeling has resources to assist homeowners in moisture management, the final phase of successful mold remediation.You can depend on the mold remediation experts at Sansara 24/7 Restoration & Remodeling to help remove existing mold colonies and identify and address moisture risks in your St. Louis home. Call (636) 812-3838 to schedule an inspection and discuss the next steps to address current and future mold infestations.